We had a FANTASTIC weekend! Most of our time was spent with Ramelle and Jayk.
We went out to eat at one of the best Mexican food restaurants in the valley, La Casa Blanca in Chandler on Friday. It was 'lish. Then we introduced Rams to The Waffle House on Saturday, because she had never partaken in the goodness that is Waffley Casa. Ramelle and Jayk got me Jake (Twilight) Sweethearts. How well do they know me? I drooled at the picture of him on the box for a long time. You can see Diella above admiring the box as well. I'm teaching her young ;)
Saturday night, we had a picture-taking extravaganza, as you can see above. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! <3
Also, as an update to my "no negativity" campaign, I am doing well. I'm combating bad feelings with good ones! Today's positive thought is that I have the best family in the world, and I am SO grateful for them.
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