Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Allergies, why do you exist!?

Maybe it's the mass amounts of rain that us Arizonans have been bestowed with, or the Mulberry tree in my front yard; but my allergies have ATTACKED me this week. From the watery eyes that make it impossible, if not just a waste of time to apply make-up, to my constant sneezing, coughing, raspy voice, and red nose... I'm looking preeettty sexy this week. I love you Spring, with your cool weather and your rain, but these allergies have got to go, asap.

WHY, adorable Mulberry tree?

In other news, life is great! We purchased four dwarf citrus trees for our backyard. We got grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange (planted in that order- the order in which we both prefer them). They are doing well, so far. I'm so excited for them to thrive and produce citrus so that I can eat it!
We went on a family dinner with Chelsea and Scott last night to Green in Scottsdale. It was delicious!! Diella was grabbing everything within arm's reach. She loved the attention- especially when Scott made funny faces at her, hahaha. She's such a joy. We really need to start taking pictures to document our adventures. I'll get better at that, I hope!
Murder by Death came out with a new album, "Good Morning, Magpie," on Tuesday. It's soooo good! I love the singer's voice, coupled with the cello. It's such an awesome album, about lonliness and relationships. They actually wrote a (semi) love song for this album. Go check it out. You won't be disappointed. If you'd like to listen to some of their stuff via Myspace.

Stoked that it's Wednesday!

Currently listening to: Okkervil River - The President's Dead

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